Tuesday 27 March 2012

Where have you lived?

A fellow blogger posed the question in a recent post that he had lived in three houses over the course of his life.  This got me rambling down the old memory lane of where I had lived up to this point.  The houses have been very nondescript in their appearance and have been spaced far and wide throughout the state of Queensland.  Thanks to Google Earth, I have revisited them...

My childhood home at Wulkaraka (yes, that's the actual name of the suburb)

My home in the mining town of Middlemount (again, that's the actual name of the town)

Many wonderful times spent at this place at Lambert's Beach

We call this place "the lake"...trust me there is a lake just off to the right

Our current home in the Queensland capital

I wonder where the next place is that I shall call home?

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