Tuesday 28 February 2012

Who is your inspiration?

Inspiration can come from a variety of sources.  As a building designer, a lot of ideas are influenced by the exploits of others.  I have to emphasise the word 'influenced' because in the world of architecture and building design, no two sites are the same.  There is always subtle differences in micro-climate, solar aspect, wind exposure, etc to render each site unique from the other.  Of course there are housing subdivisions that throw caution to the wind and present cookie-cutter designs to the masses that sit side by side with only a different facade to tell them apart, but let's ignore these for a moment.
When I design, each site is truly unique and each client has their own ideas, lifestyle and requirements.  As a result of this, each and every house I design is unique.  Of course, they may contain similar ideas, materials, fittings and fixtures, but the outward appearance and internal configuration is always different.

By far my greatest inspiration in becoming a building designer was the renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright and his iconic modernist home of Fallingwater in Bear Run, Pennsylvania.  

This amazing construction comprises of cantilevered concrete slabs that project out and over the waterfall below.  It was ahead of it's time when it was built and remains one of the most striking examples of architecture in the world. Each time I look at this image I see another subtlety or revealing detail.

So Frank would have to be up there with my "inspiration" architects.  Others include:

Richard Neutra and his fabulous Kaufmann Desert House.

Pierre Koenig and the fantastic Case Study House.

Guz Architects, Singapore.

The very talented Marcio Kogan from Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Soo Chan and his team at SCDA Architects.

So there you are... These are the people I look up to and aspire to emulate.  Like I said, a mix of the past and the present.  No matter what field you work in though, the inspiration of your peers and those who came before you should help to drive you into the future.  I am constantly learning from those around me and I don't ever want to stop.

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